Arthur Van Camp

Welcome to my web page!

I am an assistant professor at the Eindhoven University of Technology in the Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence Group.

Arthur Van Camp In 2020 – 2023 I was a research associate at the University of Bristol in the Department of Philosophy under the guidance of prof. Jason Konek, and in 2019 – 2020 a postdoctoral researcher at Université de Technologie de Compiègne in the department Heudiasyc under the guidance of prof. Sébastien Destercke. I have been a visitor in 2018 at Carnegie Mellon University in the Department of Philosophy under the guidance of prof. Teddy Seidenfeld.

From September 2011 until January 2018 I was a PhD student the Department of Electronics and Information systems at Ghent University, under the supervision of prof. Gert de Cooman and prof. Enrique Miranda. I obtained my PhD on 15 January 2018.

Please scroll down to take a look at my publications, brief academic CV or contact details.


Articles in journals

  1. Gert de Cooman, Arthur Van Camp & Jasper De Bock. “The logic behind desirable sets of things, and its filter representation”. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 172: tbd – tbd. Sept 2024.
  2. Loïc Adam, Arthur Van Camp, Sébastien Destercke & Benjamin Quost. “Inferring from an imprecise Plackett–Luce model: Application to label ranking”. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 482: tbd – tbd. Apr 2024.
  3. Arthur Van Camp, Kevin Blackwell & Jason Konek. “Independent natural extension for choice functions”. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 152: 390 – 413. Jan 2023.

    Invited paper for the ISIPTA 2021 special issue.

  4. Arthur Van Camp & Teddy Seidenfeld. “Exposing some points of interest about non-exposed points of desirability”. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 144: 129 – 159. Jan 2022.
  5. Arthur Van Camp & Enrique Miranda. “Modelling epistemic irrelevance with choice functions”. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 125: 49 – 72. Oct 2020.

    Invited paper for the ISIPTA 2019 special issue.

  6. Alexander Erreygers, Jasper De Bock, Gert de Cooman & Arthur Van Camp. “Optimal control of a linear system subject to partially specified input noise”. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 29(12): 3892 – 3914. May 2019.
  7. Arthur Van Camp & Gert de Cooman. “Exchangeable choice functions”. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 100: 85 – 104. Sept 2018.

    Invited paper for the ISIPTA 2017 special issue.

  8. Arthur Van Camp, Gert de Cooman, Enrique Miranda & Erik Quaeghebeur. “Coherent choice functions, desirability and indifference”. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 341: 1 – 36. June 2018.
  9. Arthur Van Camp, Gert de Cooman & Enrique Miranda. “Lexicographic choice functions”. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 92: 97 – 119. Jan 2018.
  10. Márcio A. Diniz, Jasper De Bock & Arthur Van Camp. “Characterizing Dirichlet priors”. The American Statistician, 70(1): 9 – 17. Mar 2016.
  11. Jasper De Bock, Arthur Van Camp, Márcio A. Diniz & Gert de Cooman. “Representation theorems for partially exchangeable random variables”. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 284: 1 – 30. Feb 2016.

Articles in conference proceedings

  1. Gert de Cooman, Arthur Van Camp & Jasper De Bock. “Desirable Sets of Things and Their Logic”. Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, Volume 215 (ISIPTA 2023), July 2023.
  2. Enrique Miranda & Arthur Van Camp. “A Study of Jeffrey’s Rule With Imprecise Probability Models”. Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, Volume 215 (ISIPTA 2023), July 2023.
  3. Arthur Van Camp, Kevin Blackwell & Jason Konek. “Independent Natural Extension for Choice Functions”. Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, Volume 147 (ISIPTA 2021), July 2021.

    Selected for the IJAR special issue.

  4. Loïc Adam, Arthur Van Camp, Sébastien Destercke & Benjamin Quost. “Inférer à partir d’un modèle de Plackett-Luce imprécis : application au rangement d’étiquettes”. 29èmes Rencontres francophones sur la logique floue et ses applications (LFA 2020), Oct 2020.
  5. Loïc Adam, Arthur Van Camp, Sébastien Destercke & Benjamin Quost. “Inferring from an imprecise Plackett–Luce model: application to label ranking”. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 12322 (SUM 2020: Scalable Uncertainty Management) (SUM 2020), Sept 2020.
  6. Arthur Van Camp & Enrique Miranda. “Irrelevant natural extension for choice functions”. Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, Volume 103 (ISIPTA 2019), July 2019.

    Selected for the IJAR special issue.

  7. Arthur Van Camp, Enrique Miranda & Gert de Cooman. “Natural extension of choice functions”. Communications in Computer and Information Science, Volume 854 (IPMU 2018), June 2018.
  8. Arthur Van Camp & Gert de Cooman. “Exchangeable choice functions”. Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, Volume 62 (ISIPTA 2017), July 2017.

    Selected for the IJAR special issue.

  9. Arthur Van Camp, Gert de Cooman, Enrique Miranda & Erik Quaeghebeur. “Modelling indifference with choice functions”. Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications (ISIPTA 2015), July 2015.

    Poster prize: 4th place.

  10. Cedric De Boom, Jasper De Bock, Arthur Van Camp & Gert de Cooman. “Robustifying the Viterbi algorithm”. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 8754 (PGM 2014), Sept 2014.
  11. Arthur Van Camp & Gert de Cooman. “Modelling practical certainty and its link with classical propositional logic”. Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications (ISIPTA 2013), July 2013.

    Poster prize: 4th place.

  12. Gert de Cooman, Jasper De Bock & Arthur Van Camp. “Recent advances in imprecise-probabilistic graphical models”. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Volume 242 (ECAI 2012), Aug 2012.
  13. Arthur Van Camp & Gert de Cooman. “A new method for learning imprecise hidden Markov models”. Communications in Computer and Information Science, Volume 299 (IPMU 2012), July 2012.

Book chapters

  1. Enrique Miranda & Arthur Van Camp. “Coherent choice functions without Archimedeanity”. Reflections on the Foundations of Probability and Statistics. Essays in Honor of Teddy Seidenfeld, Springer (Theory and Decision Library A), Cham, Jan 2023.
  2. Enrique Miranda, Arthur Van Camp & Gert de Cooman. “Choice functions and rejection sets”. The Mathematics of the Uncertain. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, Volume 142, Springer, Cham, Mar 2018.
  3. Arthur Van Camp, Enrique Miranda & Gert de Cooman. “Lexicographic choice functions without archimedeanicity”. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Volume 456 (Proceedings of SMPS 2016), Springer, Cham, July 2016.

PhD dissertation

    Arthur Van Camp. “Choice Functions as a Tool to Model Uncertainty”. PhD Thesis at Ghent University. Supervised by Gert de Cooman and Enrique Miranda. Jan 2018.

Work in progress (tentative titles)

  1. Enrique Miranda & Arthur Van Camp. A study of Jeffrey’s Rule with imprecise probability models.
  2. Gert de Cooman, Arthur Van Camp & Jasper De Bock. The logic behind desirable sets of things, and its filter representation.


Academic CV

Work experience

Assistant professor at Eindhoven University of Technology. Nov 2023 – current

Research associate at University of Bristol. Sept 2020 – Oct 2023

Post-doctoral researcher at Université de Technologie de Compiègne. Jan 2019 – Aug 2020

Visiting researcher at Carnegie Mellon University. May 2018 – Dec 2018

Scientific staff at Ghent University. Sept 2017 – Dec 2017

Assisting academic staff at Ghent University. Sept 2011 – Aug 2017

Teaching experience

Linear Systems Feb 2023 – Sept 2023

Ghent University

Lecturer (Course specifications).
What is democracy, and how should it work? Feb 2022 – June 2023

University of Bristol

Instructor. Lecturer: Senior lecturer Jason Konek.
Epistemology Oct 2020 – Dec 2020

University of Bristol

Instructor. Lecturer: prof. Samir Okasha.
Statistical methods for Engineers Mar 2020 – June 2020

Université de Technologie de Compiègne

Teaching assistant. Lecturer: prof. Sylvain Rousseau.
Probability and Statistics Feb 2012 – June 2018

Ghent University

Teaching assistant. Lecturer: prof. Gert de Cooman (Course specifications).
Linear Systems Sept 2016 – Aug 2017

Ghent University

Teaching assistant. Lecturer: prof. Gert de Cooman (Course specifications).
Statistics Mar 2017

University of Oviedo

Guest teaching assistant for 10 hours. Lecturer: prof. Enrique Miranda.
Linear Systems Sept 2012 – Aug 2015

Ghent University

Teaching assistant. Lecturer: prof. Gert de Cooman (Course specifications).


Doctor of Mathematical Engineering at Ghent University. 15 Jan 2018

MSc in Civil Engineering at Ghent University. 7 July 2011

Option Construction Design, graduated with great distinction.

BSc in Civil Engineering at Ghent University. 1 July 2010

Research stays abroad

Carnegie Mellon University at the Department of Philosophy. 31 May 2018 – 31 Dec 2018
University of Oviedo at the Department of Statistics and OR. 1 Mar 2017 – 30 Apr 2017
host: prof. Enrique Miranda

I received a grant of €3700 by Banco Santander via Campus de Excelencia Internacional.

University of Oviedo at the Department of Statistics and OR. 15 June 2016 – 20 July 2016
University of Oviedo at the Department of Statistics and OR. 5 Oct 2015 – 1 Nov 2015


Reviewing for journals

I was awarded the ‘Certificate of Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing’ by IJAR in March 2018.

Co-organiser of a special session on imprecise probabilities at SMPS 2024
Sept 2024, website
Poster Prize Jury member at the ISIPTA 2023 conference
Jul 2023, website
Co-organiser of a special session on imprecise probabilities at SMPS 2022
Sept 2022, website
Co-organiser of the SIPTA School 2022
Aug 2022, website
Co-organiser of the EPIMP Inaugural Conference
Oct 2021, website
Poster Prize Jury member at the ISIPTA 2021 conference
Jul 2021, website
Member of the programme committee
Member of the teller committee for the SIPTA 2019 elections
June 2019
Co-organiser of the WPMSIIP 2014 workshop
Sept 2014


ISIPTA—IJAR young researcher award 2019

distributed at the ISIPTA 2019 conference.

Shortlisted for the 'prijs prof. D. De Deulemeester–Piot' of 2020


Arthur Van Camp

Metaforum, Office 4.113
De Groene Loper 5
5612 AZ Eindhoven
The Netherlands

+32 498 72 83 14